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We are footballers. We are gentlemen.

TENLEGEND products are filled with timeless elegance.

We place authenticity as a cornerstone of our brand. There are plenty of other brands to choose from. The reason we exist is because we never felt the connection between football, lifestyle and fashion. The link between the sport we love so much and a luxurious brand for men that represents the elegance, class and respect that is the foundation of every aspect of life, was non-existent.

For these reasons, we started our journey toward crafting and growing a brand that we could wear to a board meeting or out on the town, but also an experience that means so much more. In everything we do, there is a deep emotional connection to the beautiful game, like no other brand.

Brand authenticity means making strong connections because we know that genuine messages and ideas resonate more powerfully with people. This is not a marketing strategy. We want to demonstrate to you that our brand cares about the same things you do, because WE ARE just like YOU.

What is our purpose? We are dedicated to the following:

We exist because we love football and classy elegance. We want to look good AND still be a football fan. We also want to show that you can indeed love the beautiful game and at the same time, be a gentleman, have many other centers of interests like art, cooking, traveling, learning languages or beautiful classy vintage cars.

We want to do the right thing in life just as we look to find the right pass in a match- always thinking of others. We are players and fans of the beautiful game as well as men driven by gentlemanly values. The number ten is the maestro, orchestrating and dictating the pace of the game. He expresses himself with style both on and off the pitch.

Purpose and authenticity matter to our associates as well. Yes, meeting our short and long term financial goals is extremely important, but doing what we love, with people we love, for people like us, is even more critical. Our roots are in the game. Each and every one of us grew up playing the game, and in different corners of the planet. Our lives converged thanks to the connection to the game.

Many companies achieve some level of success and then get lost in the day-to-day routine, or focus solely on generating revenue. They lose sight of why they started their business in the first place. Simon Sinek famously explained “start with why” as the most important strategy to define who you are as a company, built over time, with hard work and patience.

Our “why” is to create a community of classy men in love with football who want to look great, and also behave as gentlemen. In our modern world when everything changes in the blink of an eye, it’s very important for our brand to keep its consistency. We are not fast fashion. We are not loud and tacky. We are refined elegance.

To achieve authenticity in YOUR eyes, we will do our best to:

  • Deliver on promises
  • Treat others with respect
  • Provide high quality products and services
  • Protect customer privacy
  • Act with integrity
  • Be genuine and real

We define TENLEGEND’s authenticity as:

  • Continuity (being faithful to our brand)
  • Credibility (true to consumers)
  • Integrity (a brand that cares about customers and is responsible for its actions)
  • Symbolism (support consumers in being true to themselves)

We will always hold our customers needs and expectations at the center of our business. Every new game plan we develop is aimed at benefiting you, the customer. We also take great pains to communicate with our customers in a personal way.

We don’t need a major PR push to show the world how big or caring our brand is. Our success is achieved through the genuine effort we make to consistently deliver the best possible product and service in the quality, condition and timeframe represented. Revenue and profits are a by-product of customer centricity.

TENLEGEND is reliable, respectful and real. We recognize that a good brand serves the customer. We are not simply building an attractive, luxury brand. We are developing a customer experience that is authentic... even legendary. We are building a community of like-minded football and fashion fans.

We hope you will join TENLEGEND in our mission.




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