A Letter to My Love: The Ball
You are the object of my affections, but elude me at every try
At times you fill my heart with joy, yet often cause me to cry
Never will you be possessed, by one color or another
I always carried you under my arm when I was called home by Mother
We first met on the streets, with items improvised as a post
Chasing you around in our youth is what I remember most
Your importance to all the players was why we pursued you so hard
And we knew we couldn’t afford to lose you into old Mr Whyte’s yard
There were different brands and some pals would bring them to our game
From floaters, to rocks to FIFA approved, they were round but not always the same
They had names like Telstar, Jabulani, Ultimax and of course the beloved Tango
Catch that baby in the sweet spot and then watch that man go
We would soon learn how to strike, pass, dribble and control
When to touch you softly and when to put the laces through it, as you flew into the goal
You moved from 32 panels so you could be seen easily on TV
Now you’re more consistent, with bright colors so players can plainly see
The mitt-men try to grab you, when they game is on their line
The strikers always call for you, to score with you one more time
There are some who have learned to master you, and how to make you move
With skill and finesse and artistry, that belongs in a place like Le Louvre
At times you bounce so random, the wind affects your flight
Which causes players to miss some sitters and keep them up at night
The lessons you teach are global, understood by every race
They reach across our ball-shaped world, and touch every space
Let the ball do the work, as it never gets tired
Learning how to control it, sets our hearts on fire
Although reliably round, like life, it is unpredictable at times
You will get what it throws at you; all its heartache, sorrow and strife
To achieve success, don’t chase the ball, or things you do not know
Instead move to a uncrowded space, so the ball knows where to go
You can’t be hurt by a goal if the other team doesn’t have it
Cherish what’s in your possession, what you control and be sure to take advantage
If you’re behind in the game, but you have time left to play, just keep on going
And like a ball, on a simple pitch, ensure it doesn’t stop rolling
These lessons and more I’ve learned, from a game that I love more than all
Football has taught me so much about life, with the pursuit of a ball
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