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The Maestro

The Maestro

Legends—the idols we admire and emulate—rarely excel in just one aspect of their lives. They know how the flip the script when it comes to showing up to a meeting,...
The Cambridge – A Perfect Fit

The Cambridge – A Perfect Fit

TENLEGEND Cambridge men dress shirt TENLEGEND has been dedicating countless weeks, months and years to developing products that resonate with you. Each of our products is inspired by football at...


Monaco or the well-known area of Monte Carlo, has a deep connection with sports and exclusive high-end clientele. Monaco is also the world’s second smallest country, preceded by only the...


POPPED COLLARS? A thing of the past or do perhaps popped collars still have some modern style potential? A trend 30 years ago, popping your collar instead of leaving it...
James Bond and Aston Martin

James Bond and Aston Martin

James Bond and Aston Martin As long as we can remember, we have been in love with the idea of James Bond. The character’s appeal reaches beyond two generations and...
London’s Football Heritage.

London’s Football Heritage.

Thinking of London conjures up images of architectural grandeur. The regal House of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the Tower Bridge, to name a few. Some may first think of London...
Elegance, first and foremost.

Elegance, first and foremost.

Elegance is the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner. When we were young we rebelled against the idea that we might be judged by the way...
Wembley: The home of football.

Wembley: The home of football.

There are plenty of stunning stadiums within the world of football, but there is only one considered to be the home of football. A stadium near and dear to the...
A gentleman off the field.

A gentleman off the field.

Whether a classicist or modernist, behaving like a distinguished gentleman off the field never goes out of style. When a woman walks into the room, it is a signal to...
Craft your own legend.

Craft your own legend.

Craft your own legend. TENLEGEND was born out of our love for the beautiful game and the desire to be elegant, sophisticated and conduct ourselves as true gentlemen.  We are...


We are footballers. We are gentlemen. TENLEGEND products are filled with timeless elegance. We place authenticity as a cornerstone of our brand. There are plenty of other brands to choose...


Football is more than a sport. It is pure passion. We fell in love with football thanks to our dad, brothers or friends who first introduced us. From the time...